Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dangerous food for dogs

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Firstly, I would like to thank all the fans who loved and shared our first article “dog illness symptoms”. For thanking them, I will give another high quality article in an important subject for dog owners, it’s dangerous food for dogs.

Because you love your dog, it’s normal you are very aware about anything can be harmful for him. If you are also like that dangerous food for dogs should be in the top of your list. Cause what’s you feed to your dog plays the biggest part in its overall health, so stop feeding whatever food to your pet before you know what danger can affect to him. If you want to know some dangerous food for dogs follow reading the article I will give you a lot of them.

Dangerous food for dogs

Dangerous food for dogs
Dangerous food for dogs

What may seem to be the kind of dangerous food for dogs can be surprisingly normal everyday foods that we humans eat without any ill-effects. Even though there are the likes of natural foods like onions, garlic, raisin, and grapes; they can be good for you but for your dog they can be plain toxic.

The top 7 most dangerous food for dogs:

Baby Food
Chocolate, Coffee and Tea
Grapes and Raisins
Macadamia Nuts

So try to keep your dog away from those, feeding your dog so much sugar can result in diabetes, as all we know that almost all of the popular dog food brands contain some kind of sweetener that will be volatile to a canine's health later on in life.

Speaking of chocolates, never share a piece or a whole bar with your canine friend. Chocolates are a part of the dangerous food for dog’s checklist as they slow down their metabolism, leading to heart complications, central nervous system malfunction, and kidney failure. Good thing about chocolates is that they just make you fat and of course you don’t want that.

Garlic and onions, which are indeed deadly since it contains sulfides and disulfides. These 2 have been proven to damage red blood cells, which can eventually lead to anemia.

Too much vitamin A is also harmful; you'll be having that problem when giving it bountiful amounts of liver on a daily basis. Reason why vitamin A can be bad for the hairy mongrel is it affects muscles and bones, in a bad way.

Giving your dog some vitamins designed for humans will be Extra-Harmful; I don’t know why you will do that but it’s still useful to give you a warning.

When you simplify everything it comes down to the digestive system of a dog being different from a human. I couldn't even begin listing every food that you shouldn't feed your dog so your best bet is to just stick with what you know the dog likes and find out if they're good for them. Whole meats and not meat by-products are fail-safe. If you're unsure then it's better off to check first or just not feed it to the dog at all. You're bound to find the answer from a trusted source.

After hearing these toxic foods for dogs, I decided to research other edibles that are toxic to our canine companions. There are several dangerous food for dogs on the list.

This list is the biggest list of dangerous food for dogs in the internet ever:

1-    chocolate
7-    ONIONS
8-    GARLIC
11-    RAW EGGS
12-    MILK
13-    Human Vitamins Containing Iron
14-    People Food
15-    Large Quantities of Liver
16-    Avocado
17-    Cat food
18-    Corn on the cob
19-    Citrus oil extracts
20-    Fish
21-    Marijuana
22-    Mushrooms
23-    Persimmons, peaches, and plums
24-    Rhubarb, and tomato leaves
25-    String
26-    Tobacco
27-    Cyclist
28-    Yeast
29-    Old food
30-    Leftovers
31-    Check the ingredients
32-    Human snacks

Dangerous food for dogs

Dangerous food for dogs

Dangerous food for dogs

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